Ogre Crusaders (1.16,1.18)

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Ogre Crusaders (1.16,1.18)

Post by ForestDragon »

Ogre Crusaders (previously called "Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface") is a hybrid campaign, playable either alone or with 2 players. An exciting crusading adventure (7 scenarios) awaits you. Each scenario will be very different from the previous one and will set different goals for you, which can only be achieved with skilled teamwork. Demonstrate ogrish determination and cunning to defeat the enemy army, go deep into their lands, capture a large city and destroy their holy sites!
Last edited by ForestDragon on August 17th, 2024, 6:06 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface (1.16)

Post by Konrad2 »

Pan (Hard)

land. Elves -> land. The elves
unprepared, elves -> unprepared, the elves
langs -> lands
woods -> trees
started construction -> started the construction
Elves sent -> The elves sent

honour! Brothers -> honour! The brothers
equipment, brothers -> equipment, the brothers

Do I get bonus points for turning one of the Steppe Ogres pious?

Units with fearless seem to be unaffected by the pride of other units.

Soul flame affects mechanical units, is that normal?

I am now absolutely sure towers (when managed by ai) can use their long-range attack on adjacent hexes.
NCoSS-Beginning of the Crusade replay 20220209-180614.gz
Steppe Ogres survive
(127.67 KiB) Downloaded 148 times
NCoSS-Beginning of the Crusade replay 20220208-165838.gz
Steppe Ogres die
(121.91 KiB) Downloaded 140 times
NCoSS-Smoke of the Fatherland replay 20220207-182945.gz
(92.31 KiB) Downloaded 154 times
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Re: Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface (1.16)

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

I finally found time to start this. Will post more when I progress.
NCoSS-Smoke of the Fatherland replay 20220214-174303.gz
(86.12 KiB) Downloaded 159 times
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Re: Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface (1.16)

Post by Konrad2 »

My units can still throw dirt into water to make it flat.
The lose condition counts the 'there isn't enough villagers stuff' after you've converted 20.
It also only every counts /20, even if you have already converted units (and in the number of available villagers it counts the converted ones too).

I'd suggest marking villages captured by the enemy with 'x' and grant them their lvl 1 unit. It makes more sense than them capturing it, nothing happens, and when I recapture it, I get a unit.
(It feels especially weird to walk into the enemy base to get a peasant.)

For the first scenario I had to retry a couple times to find a strategy that worked for me.
The second scenario was doable as is, I just changed my mind about keeping the steppe ogres alive because I thought they might help me in the next scenario.
The third scenario I had to retry a couple times as well, experimenting how to lure the enemy forces best, how to make it all work.
The fourth scenario was mostly figuring how to be the most efficient about preaching, while realizing that I can't bait the peasants to move to one locations instead of them being split between 3, and then having to defend all 3. Also figuring out how to split my troops to defend all 3.

All scenarios suffered from lag, the 4th one the most, likely because the huge amount of priest that were increasing faith.

Btw, it would have been neat if the player had been told that priests can go up to lvl 4, as an incentive to feed more xp to the priests.

I'm done now.
Why are they both Great and Clumsy?
Why are they both Great and Clumsy?
clumsy.png (72.58 KiB) Viewed 4137 times
NCoSS-Epilogue replay 20220220-155422.gz
(130.39 KiB) Downloaded 133 times
NCoSS-Time to Preach replay 20220220-155344.gz
(177.04 KiB) Downloaded 149 times
NCoSS-Siege of Shumsk replay 20220210-175509.gz
(159.28 KiB) Downloaded 138 times
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Re: Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface (1.16)

Post by dwarftough »

Konrad2 wrote: February 20th, 2022, 1:43 pm Why are they both Great and Clumsy?
Ogre Kings in the Great Steppe Era can get titles. Great is the default title given to any king afaik. Clumsy is the title given if a King misses during any attack
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Re: Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface (1.16)

Post by inferno8 »

I finally completed the campaign a few days ago. It was pretty interesting, but also quite short (for some people this can be an advantage). In my opinion it wouldn't hurt to add one more "tutorial-like" scenario at the very beginning of the campaign. Its purpose would be to familiarize players with the custom faction, units and GSE era in general, especially that there lots of unique mechanics involved like faith levels, mercenaries additionally draining income under certain circumstances, etc. Some players (with little or no GSE experience), may become overwhelmed fairly quickly by the sheer number of new abilities and weapon specials.

In some scenarios I had the impression enemy got too much gold - mostly in S01 and S03. I played on normal and found these two scenarios very difficult.

The second scenario was trivial in comparison to the first one. I'd like to point out that towers tend to "flip" when attacked from sw,nw directions. This can be easily fixed with separate attack/defense animations with flipped base sprites (~FL()) for these directions.

The siege scenario was really cool but it quickly got messy, because there was too many defenders and I had a hard time eliminating them on my way to the enemy leader. Unfortunately I had to resort to debug to win this. Btw, I got lua errors when firing an upgraded catapult (via engineer's damage upgrade AMLA). The increased damage didn't work at all.

The last scenario was very unique and immersive - I really enjoyed it. The mission goal of raising faith levels of townsfolk was something I've never seen before in any add-on :D

To sum up, I consider this a really good campaign. There are few things that need to be fixed or improved, but overall it was an interesting experience. Looking forward to more GSE campaigns for other factions! :)

Btw, speaking of titles, some of them can get really long :lol:
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Re: Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface (1.16)

Post by Mechanical »

inferno8 wrote: March 8th, 2022, 4:56 pm I finally completed the campaign a few days ago.
Hello inferno8! I am very happy to receive your feedback.

I like your tutorial idea. I even have a few ideas on how to play it with the plot. For example, it will be possible to show Pans commanding different types of troops during a crusade against the elves. Something like gradually using each type of troops and explaining their abilities.

I agree that the second scenario is trivial. However, I don't really know how to improve it. Maybe you have some ideas?

As for the third scenario, the essence of it is that initially the AI ​​has lvl-2 units, but their number is limited. Players must bombard the city, kill lvl-2 units and towers, and then smash lvl-1 militias with a series of attacks. I went on hard in this way, and played without veterans. In general, I agree that on easy and normal difficulty it is worth making scenarios 1 and 3 easier.

We will make some campaign improvements when we finish the big MP update for the steppe (related to the new faction). In general, this campaign was a "pen test", an attempt to make some small but interesting steppe content.

In the future (most likely after the release of faction 7) we plan to make full-scale SP story campaigns for each faction, using the experience we got from this small campaign about ogres.
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Re: Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface (1.16)

Post by inferno8 »

Mechanical wrote: March 10th, 2022, 4:47 am I agree that the second scenario is trivial. However, I don't really know how to improve it. Maybe you have some ideas?
It's simple: give'em more gold! ^_^ Additional 50-75g should do the trick (for each enemy side). You can also store human players gold in the very beginning of the scenario and distribute the similar (or slightly larger) amount of gold to enemies (if players are rich, then ai will become rich too). That way you'll "mirror" economic potential of all sides of conflict. This solution may require fine tuning though, that's why I suggest giving additional fixed amount of gold to ai in this scenario to see how it plays out.
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Re: Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface (1.16)

Post by ForestDragon »

Due to the fact that ogre kingdom is being very heavily reworked, me and Mechanical decided to remove it from the add-on server for now.

But don't worry, it will eventually return after we redesign it to fit with the new ogre gameplay, so stay tuned :)
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Ogre Crusaders (1.16)

Post by ForestDragon »

We are happy to present you the Ogre Crusaders - a rework of our hybrid campaign about Pans Shrogg and Barkuk (previously called "Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface")! We have done a lot of work and improved the campaign in all areas. Now the Crusade to Krada has become more interesting and colorful!

List of changes:

- Added a tutorial scenario that teaches you how to play the new ogres
- In addition to the tutorial, 2 new scenarios have been added with different goals
- Global improvement of game maps
- Added a beautiful campaign map, as high-quality as mainline ones
- Expanded lore (story and dialogues)
- Changed old scenarios (difficulty has been slightly reduced, changed tasks in some places)
- Added a bonus reward to the scenario with steppe ogres
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Re: Ogre Crusaders (1.16)

Post by ForestDragon »

Important Announcement! If you had Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface installed before downloading Ogre Crusaders, it can cause serious bugs with Ogre Crusaders. You need to delete the old version of the campaign by going to add-ons > delete add-ons, then select Northern_Crusade_of_Shrogg_Stoneface and press delete
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Re: Ogre Crusaders (1.16)

Post by ForestDragon »

UPD: released a hotfix (2.0.1) That should hopefully fix the incompatibility between the two versions, but either way it's best to delete the old one just in case
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Re: Ogre Crusaders (1.16)

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

I will give a written review later on, just uploading my replays here.

This campaign is going good so far. Starting scenario 4.
OC-Beginning of the Crusade replay 20220717-012405.gz
(112.86 KiB) Downloaded 147 times
OC-Smoke of the Fatherland replay 20220716-205646.gz
(115.6 KiB) Downloaded 142 times
OC-Tutorial replay 20220716-033108.gz
(64.52 KiB) Downloaded 151 times
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Re: Ogre Crusaders (1.16)

Post by Konrad2 »

Smoke on the Fatherland
The enemy leaders prefer taking villages over recruiting, and they all have at least one unoccupied village in their range, which leads to none of them recruiting during the first turn.
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Re: Ogre Crusaders (1.16)

Post by ForestDragon »

Konrad2 wrote: July 18th, 2022, 9:20 am Smoke on the Fatherland
The enemy leaders prefer taking villages over recruiting, and they all have at least one unoccupied village in their range, which leads to none of them recruiting during the first turn.
Strange, leaders recruited normally for me. What version of wesnoth are you using? (I am on 1.16.5)
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
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