Xalzar's MP Maps Feedback

Discussion of all aspects of multiplayer development: unit balancing, map development, server development, and so forth.

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Xalzar's MP Maps Feedback

Post by Xalzar »

Hi all! First I apologize for my very bad English.

I recently uploaded a map-pack (named, strangely, Xalzar_Maps :roll: <--- scarce creativity?) on the 1.9 addon server. It is thought for 1.9.5 or superior (it contains some terrains which are not available in previous versions).

It contains 20 MP maps, 15 for 1v1 matches and 5 for 2v2 matches. They are extra-essential (speaking from the WML side of view) and apt for classic gameplay (i.e. kill your opponent's/opponents' leader(s)), but I hope you will find them decently balanced and enjoyable.

The major characteristic of all of them is the capability of easily moving your leader between the different keeps scattered throughout the map. I planned carefully this feature in order to not break too much balance and to enhance strategic tactics at your disposal.

As the topic's title says, I really appreciate some feedback from the people who downloaded the add-on.

In order to make feedback well-ordered, I write a list of question for you:

1) What map are you speaking of?
2) Have you found it balanced (consider size, terrain distribution, disposition of villages and/or keeps...)? Suggestions (explain...)
3) Have you found it enjoyable from an aesthetic point of view (maybe sometimes I exaggerated with the embellishments, let me know if it is only my impression...)? Suggestions (explain...)
4) Have you found it enjoyable from a gameplay point of view (consider if it introduces new situations not found in common maps, if it is too slow or too rapid...)? Suggestions (explain...)
5) Have you got a replay of a match disputed in it? (post) <--- I encourage to post replays, especially when you want to highlight balance problems.
6) Other comments (complexive vote to the map-pack, suggestions for new maps...)?

Everyone can give feedback (really everyone, and I will really rejoice if some expert or "VIP" also appears here in the topic)... :roll:

P.S.: in the questions I've not included the one asking if there are problems with the add-on or a map, I checked, all should go well... If there are any problems though, do not hesitate to report them...

Thank you in advance! :D
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